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yes, great material 10/10

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wanna make a setup with me if I read it again

ill take amazing typography for 500, alex

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im good with ideas bad with balance, but sure i would give it a shot

There’s so many possibilities for a game based off that

I have too many ideas to fit into one game

I can do balance

well theres two main strategies.
do we use the idea for the universe as a whole, with some tech from the books

or do we theme it based around the books and their characters

i kinda want it to theme around the book tbh

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what if we make flavor AI as a way of encouraging people to read the books

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I haven’t read gemina tho

thats the last one right?

make fake flavor claims

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okay im going to speed read this I’ll get back to you

with a 3 page doc with like a million ideas

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full disclosure its been a while and if you asked me about them id only be able to tell you general plot structure with a few odd details, but i work better when bouncing off someone so if you read them ill remember more

I don’t remember much I just remember it being cool and good for an FM game lmao

I read too much books to remember deteails from ones I’ve read a bit ago lol

Miller IC

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