54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

that wasn’t my fault

Isn’t osie the one who reviewed that setup


@Vulgard go back go back

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“I made a grave mistake today”

you have unleashed a plague upon this land

Was just about to post this when eevee locked up

@sulit @N.1 @DatBird @Kirefitten @Wazza @Amelia @katze @Marshal @clonedcheese @Possessed

Before alignments roll I just wanna say I have class the first hour of the game so will not be there


Let us not discuss game-related matters further in case Arete starts sending cards


that makes sense
i’m on an all nighter so i will not be active today for more than several hours after SoD1

/duel Marshal


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Also everyone be nice please

No u

/falconpunch eevee

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Since I am half Italy this is technically a self deprecating joke :^)


Tfw you thought the game started today at 2pm

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It started 10 min ago…

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I just found out how many Irish Rebel songs that Irish has made.

And the whole point of all of them is just to mock the British, I am not complaining, they’re pretty good.

hey they can’t mock the british
mocking the british is our thing!

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I just found one that is all about calling the British Gay.

they are just potato you dont worry, they are kinda just making fun of themselves