54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

The best part is the fact that Northern Ireland is shaped like a potato

don’t call irish people potatos
there’s some problematic history behind that

Im irish

then never mind, I apologise.

British people be like.

I’m Bri ish.

no, you’re a happy midget

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basically a leprecaun. I got the ginger beard to match

it’s just i dislike being insensitive about the irish
you know
there’s a lot of history that’s going to be dug up really soon

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yeah no worries mate. Its a heated climate, I understand

hah nah, I insult the Irish all the time.

To be fair, I insult every country. Especially Italy.

@Italy pineapple belongs on pizza.

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pineapple doesnt belong on pizza. Its a nice topping occasionally but doesnt belong on it from the get go

it’s meant to be friendly banter, not absolute raw destruction
good grief wazza have mercy

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The Canadians think otherwise.

isn’t pineapple on pizza meant to be hawaii’s fault?

no it’s canada’s creation

well they added ham to it as well, thats a hawaiian pizza

ah, well there’s a common misconception cleared up i guess

canadians were like

“we threw pineapples and ham on a pizza”
“what should we call it?”
“Hawaiian lol”

see at school everyone’s main targets are ourselves and the french
because i mean