54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

it would be hard but like… i still would do it

problem is if everyone hoards wealth then big problem

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I mean

Ideally everyone I care about could also be immortal?

you wont care about that person forever if youre immortal


but if im the only immortal it’s GG

Arete get out of my head but also stay.

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no one spending -> business starts to slow -> people get laid off -> people can’t afford to spend because they aren’t making money -> vicious cycle

i’d get rich as shit and become president of the USA or some shit

ok ive given up on not sleeping i am sleeping


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I can promise you that you wouldn’t

I care very little about most people, and I don’t form close relationships often

And, to risk sounding like a boomer, I’ve learned with age that even under these conditions, outliving people and things you care about is mental hell

Good night sulit.

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no u

sleep is good

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anyway gud night

If you’re the only immortal person on the planet you have to change your identity a lot

are kat and i the only people who would be miserable?

even if i didnt outlive everyone
i would still manage to be a disappointment even if my life were endless
no thanks

To be fair I’m already miserable and I’ve lived much less than 1 immortal life

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not really… you could just be a known immortal

bro same-

Bro… :flushed:

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