54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I mean I literally forget to eat sometimes and go without eating anything for 10+ hours on average.

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okay but like

i dont wanna be the one to ask the question but

does being immortal mean you cant kill yourself? :eyes:

The conversations are now about prions and immortality


Ans are you actually just me

If the answer is yes I’d never want immortality

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no it would be so fucking cool tho

like 500 years of life… especially with not aging, sounds really fun

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Mindmeld with Marshal, must be Cult.

Pretty sure I’m starving right now becayse with my medicine I don’t feel that hungry, but whenever I forgot to take it I end up eating an entire family size bag of chips

No it fucking wouldn’t


depression + immortality?
no thanks

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Depends on the definition of immortality you go by

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I wasted all of my likes on a cookie thread again, pretend I liked this post.

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it wouldn’t be hard to accumulate wealth over time

so i could be rich as fuck and living for 500 years

suicide is the answer to an permanent problem

Imagine outliving literally everyone and everything you care about

Several times

you can’t ever be truly immortal

Also if you’re immortal and either become paralyzed or an amputee

Which is what immortality is!

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But what if you are immortal together with someone you care about.

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I mean depends what kind of immortality we’re talking

is it like you can’t die period or you choose when you die