54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

lets be disappointments together

The limitless potential of learning new things and constantly improving yourself outweighs all the cons for me.
I could literally attempt to become perfect, and I wouldn’t be restrained by time or whatever.
That sounds glorious.

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That’d be really disappointing


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thought this said get out of my bed



I’m… Not going to comment on this.

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I’m – never going to be able to do anything I want to do, I just fundamentally don’t have enough time

and every time I do something that’s not what I maximally endorse doing with that time I worry that I’m wasting the ~60-70 years of life I statistically have ahead of me

and if I were hypothetically immortal that wouldn’t be a problem anymore

nah no thanks

it aint me chief

lemme die whenever i die
fuck that livin shit
its effort

As if Anstreim would ever want Arete out of his bed

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im a hard atheist

i think once you die you dead, nothing happens

so i wanna live as much as possible

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I can simultaneously be miserable and want to be immortal



But how

How can you convince yourself that after only being alive for a small fraction of your expected lifespan, that you’d be willing to live forever?

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but being miserable forever is hell

it’s a risk

but one i would be more then willing to take

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Being miserable in my everyday life actually fuels me with hatred for myself and motivates me to improve and keep going on.

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y’all are crazy

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Manual like.