54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

your name is vulgard

aretes name is arete

my name is katze

this is canon


I don’t know how to explain it in words

btw i came up with vulgard when i was like 8 years old
it’s never been taken anywhere i made an account

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you were infinitely smarter than i was at that age

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and i’ve been using it for so long you can probably track down all communities i’m in, games i’ve played, etc. just by looking for that nickname

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let’s see… I convinced a young girl that magic was real for long enough to turn them against their brother, and I also consorted with the younger students, giving them access to light rubber bricks

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it’s like

Marshal’s name is Peter and that basically makes sense

sulit’s name is Lily and that basically makes sense

(these are both publicly outed)

but if Ici were like ‘by the way my name is Chad’ that would be weird and Incorrect even if it were actually true


I didn’t even need to do magic tricks to convince them of that, by the way.

marshals name threw me for a loop tbh

also i think if i did a name reveal it’d throw people for a loop


bruh ici frightens me

the only correct name for him is vulgard


I basically exploited a technicality in a book that explained a fictionalised view of the occult for children in which another book by the same author about Ancient Egypt was listed as non-fiction to make it seem like all the books that author wrote were non-fiction.

also can we add “keyboard smash” to the dictionary?

because it’s used to express… something

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i just realized that i don’t think i know aretes name

they’re just arete to me and my brain doesn’t see this as a problem

but i know i’ve told arete my name, even if i don’t know if they remember it :eyes:

I just Googled Vulgard and the first result was an Instagram account whose only public photo is a shirtless dude and my brain gave me an error message


I did eventually explain to them that magic wasn’t real but by that point it was fairly easy to send the hall into conflict.

im glad we both did the exact same thing i just didnt want to admit it

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i… don’t have instagram…

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good :eyes:


that’s amazing