54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

ici hasn’t changed for 10 years

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at some point I noticed that I was calling myself Arete in my head

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one day i will reveal my tragic backstory


ive had to physically stop myself from referring to myself as “kat” irl multiple times

also when my parents talk about my cats sometimes i think theyre talking about me


i was president of NJHS at my school last year which meant organizing the games

which entailed people getting teams

the problem was that there was switching so all of the 8th graders would just pile onto one team and fuck everyone else up.

but for the end of year winning team, i decided to hold an ice cream party
but i still had the OG rosters
so anyone who switched didn’t get in

not really smol marshal as this was… a year ago but it relates to ici’s thing

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honestly I was an insufferable prick when I was younger but I can’t pretend that I don’t miss being significantly smarter than everyone around me

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Im calling myself “die Priesterin” or “die Richterin” cuz languages are a thing
But yea

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you know that awkward feeling when you write “Marshal” on your math test and your teacher is like “uh there’s nobody named marshal in this class”


The funnier stories concern the things that happened that were vaguely related to me but really just kinda… Happened?

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Now im strangely craving some smol @Hippolytus stories


he probably did stab someone over a pokemon card


the weird thing is i don’t think ive ever typed out my name incorrectly

but i also don’t talk about myself in the third person literally ever

also image

i… don’t play roblox…
hmm maybe you can’t track me

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For example, that time in Year 4 when all the Year 6s collectively decided the most logical course of action on a snow day was to roll up all the snow on the entire fucking massive school field into a giant snowball and spend an entire week compressing it into the ultimate snowball.

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its mysterious

the best thing i did in primary school was…
i haven’t done anything significant for half my life really

most people don’t do significant things in elementary school

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vulgard do you have a minecraft account named vulgard