54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I remember when I was in 9th class, I was drawing aliens a lot.
Got once almost in problems for it in Physics. I was drawing a female felide humanoid creature, and well, she had fur and didnt need necessarily clothing
From afar it was looking tho as if I’d draw… well… a naked body
So uh my classmates were reporting it to the teacher
My good reputation with teachers saved me, he just ignored them cuz its obv not true, I am that pious priest daughter, I’d never do that

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okay but you are though


my mom was drawing weird furry shit in high school



Basically nobody talked about its’ existence because after a while you just got used to there being a 1 metre radius massive near-perfect sphere of snow in the field in the middle of spring on a sunny day.


my best accomplishment in art class was drawing something that looked vaguely like a human shape
it took me forever and i was directly copying a unit in heroes of might and magic


and so when someone like that donates cash

the principal would turn a blind eye to any allegations

you’re not the first person to tell me that
i just find it difficult to really think that for some reason

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why is accepting compliments hard

i feel this on a spiritual level

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Is that a furry to you? Dao-Lin-H'ay

i’m fine with accepting compliments but i don’t really believe what they say is true from my pov
i think it’s a slight difference

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nope that’s definitely a furry :^)

i love attention but like the feeling i hate the most is people clapping for me

is that your work or an image you found

see I just don’t like the noise
we aren’t so different, you and I

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its like 5 seconds of pure awkward terror

Not my work, was one of the inspirations I used

well i don’t like the noise particularly either

it’s obnoxious

but im not sensitive to sound so it doesn’t like majorly tick me off

i dont like attention but i also love it

it depends on the mood