54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



gotta love that JK Rowling is not a very good writer and she only got away with it because The Philosopher’s Stone was a perfect storm of appelaing writing

i dont know what this means and im scared


Slytherin is the bad one, right?


katze is now fated to be the wizard equivilant of a white supremacist
i wish i was joking

JK rowling on twitter be like

“dobby was actually into feet things and would constantly try to sneek a peek at the master’s toes”

i’ve just received an interesting e-mail


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i what now

list of buckets

Vul is a Cousin
Priestess is a Mason
Ici is probably a Humanist?
no clue about Marshal

Wait yeah that’s katze and not Chloe.

I keep forgetting they switched pfp’s.

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it’s from me about my emotional state

are there any wizards here

im a wizard supremacist now i guess

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technically you’re a Pureblood Supremacist

also the book series is really good and everyone should read them

yes I will at some point gawsh

I don’t know which one I am because I’m too lazy to read all of that.

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okay so who do ihate

the purebloods?

Any wizard with a single parent who is not a wizard.

i used to read books way more than i do now
doesn’t feel like i have time for literally anything

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