54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

poison healer in a game with no poisoners

And none of them will do anything because I don’t think they can even visit.

town in a game with no town
ita specialist in a game with no itas

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okay but like

i thought i was a guilty child in anime FM for most of D1

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I mean technically godfathers ability implies there are investigatives which can be considered bastard

That’s explicitly not bastard
Not big brain
Just facts

see tricks like that aren’t bastard in small numbers, I feel


Technically no
It’s player expectation that motivates that
That could be seen as a valid problem for the general game but for definitions, no

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doctor in a setup with no mafia

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ok fuck

i should sleep tbh

Replace mafia with corona

I would if you say there are no conversions for example And then add ability that doesnt force someone to change factions but just changes their wincon

Saying no conversion then adding alignment changing abilities would be bastard

Since the terms are used interchangeably, especially on this forum

converting people into omnimillers

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That is expectation no?

Yes, but not in the same manner as a player’s expectations of setup design
If they are told there is no conversion going in, then proceed to have alignment changing be a factor in that game, then that’s a problem

If the host defines conversion as changing faction then saying that it’s Bastard will be based on expectation of players that conversion means wincon change

If host defines conversion as something different than reasonable expectation explicitly, then it’s ultimately up to them how they handle it

Emphasis on explicit