54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hey nuke so you ever heard of accidently inviting someone?

Nope. But if I found out that someone DID invite me (accidentally or otherwise) I’d Nuke them in the face.


have you ever heard of accidently inviting other people who aren’t nuke?

Only of Firekitten being invited

What if htm was accidentally invited

He’d explode and then get board probably

I see

Why? You didn’t invite me did you? :bomb:

of course not. Blue did

My auto-correct senses have brought me to this thread.

That’s better.

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You invited him! HOW DARE THEE

I don’t think you understand


Truthfully, I was here even before I was invited. I’ve been meaning to check out this strange thread since I first saw it on the sidebar.

you invited nuke I mean

I also wanna know why you’re clearly trying to shill Home Depot.

Because it is where HTM would get the board

Nuke this guy Invited you bomb him!

All I can think of is Ryan Haywood from Achievement Hunter saying “YOU CAN FIND WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR AT THE HOME DEPOT!”


sorc bomb :smirk_cat: