54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

jumps into FK

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uh scrambles

uh @NuclearBurrito I know what you are thinking, you really want to explode it.

However I can safely tell you it’s not a good idea

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This is what holding someone hostage feels like, huh? :thinking:

Eh it’s not hostage it’s more like UH WE WILL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT

Bomb swaps onto FK


you still killed both of us

Bury the Corpses

Or Remains, whatever

No because I removed Blues Bomb

Except blue jumped on me

Which means he self heals

Nah, stoneskin. The shrapnel bounces off me like children off a medicine ball.


Empower Reap

oH nO a StOnEsKiN pOtIoN


Why would you ever NOT target the king how dare you

says nothing

not for lack of trying, mind you

Cause, im not a Meta Bitch

okay then why didn’t you kill the prince? I’m so ashamed of you.

I already killed him

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