54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Did someone say nightmare

I kinda need several creepy pics for (you guess it) an rp




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First game of Mafia on Mafia Universe, exed day 1 as town. Yay

Pat I know how you feel (I’m too shy to speak up for myself)
(Well, on a new site that is)

I tried doing anything and everyone is like ‘Luxy is opportunistic’ and then I was hanged.

These people are so hard to read lol, they post as well as MathBlade, all of them xD

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It’s so hard to get the courage to speak cause I’m not good with strangers and I feel so overwhelmed. I’m surprised I’m still alive in a mash on there that’s 12/12 :^)

Yeah I tried talking, someone made a good point on someone so I voted them and then everyone voted me for being opportunistic :man_shrugging:

I prefer Mafia on this site


Squid are you gonna join my Elemental FM?

Same, of course, the mash won’t be my last MU game as I have the Hydra game with Livi in December

I still feel I’m in too many FMs right now, sorry :frowning:

I have the Hydra with Maxi in december as well, as have tried to join a game while asking for a coach


wait we’re in the same hydra

I just checked

Okay, the thing about MU is that they always assume you aren’t a sheep.
It’s a totally different climate and you will be mislynched your first few times, but don’t give up.

it’s what happens when the best players from every mafia site gather together tbh

or more accurately the most respected but not neccecarily best players

1 time I played MU I was town didn’t do shit and somehow survived till D4

I played a MU game where I was modkilled for disagreeing with the host for a mod error and then was publicly shamed at the end for something that was both irrelevant and factually inaccurate

I think the dude was banned from hosting afterwards though