54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Well they’re obviously not the best, they killed me and I’m like the best person at Forum Mafia ever

he was banned from hosting and everybody else hated him as well


luxy do you think i’m a good player?

I’d consider you a decent player, but I think the best player on this site is Marl or MathBlade

You’re better than me for one

Ici rate me

Where is our Firekitten or Eevee @_@

Speaking of which, where is MathBlade?

good. Now think about this:

Every time I’ve played on MU i’ve been mislynched at some point because my style is used to the current meta: slower and more detailed posts.

Bearing in mind we’re way faster than a lot of other sites out there, that should tell you how fast people are on MU.

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Firekitten would get smashed on MU, just like me and eevee never tries so I can’t exactly consider them good

MathBlade played on both MafiaScum and MafiaUniverse several times before coming here, but I accept the point that he’s realllllly fucking good.

Do wallposts get you lynched on MU

From what I’ve seen they are pretty slow and used to making gigantic Texts

believe it or not, pretty much, unless you put in some serious content that proves somebody’s wolf into them.

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Game was shit anyway

Inb4 1 essay wall post

Well, def possible.

Then why on Earth does Wolfy wallpost here

You were in a Light Game, which isn’t representative of the overall meta since people perfer 36/12, 12/12 and at worst 48/24 to 72/24


Different Wolfy.

I don’t wanna read that shit and when I do it’s just ‘Oh my guys I’m so busy at my anime convention don’t lynch me’

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Ici rate me pls