In Brazil we had a strange culture where people would have a lot of Yu Gi Oh cards but not know how to play it at all. Instead, they played a game called “Bafo” or “Turn the cards” where the kids would do some kind of gamble putting the cards on a pile and having one chance to turn it with a hand movement, like a clap on the pile. The cards you flip are yours now. Idk how this started
Beyond the Boundary; Mirai
Its like a Romance anime with powers
I heard this is an anime thread hello
Do you like evangelion as well? Nice
Feeling like crap, have to do seven more drawings but I’m waiting for a hot chocolate
I’m freaking out, I didn’t say anything about the hot chocolate being dark, but I got it dark and I don’t know if it’s someone else’s
Okay, everyone’s been served, they just got my order wrong, but I actually like it better
Any tips for someone feeling bummed out of FM
I genuinely feel burned out with it too ngl
stop playing it if you don’t want to
Speaking of which, I got a PFP that fits my forum record.
I need to memorize a Latin speech before two hours, I find it easier to study right before as you don’t have to actually remember it cause it’s just short term memory.
so is this basically a chat room on the forums
No it is where you go to express how pro of a gamer you are, obviously
Jan 2017
We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?