54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

[print of the news image]

Me dunt like this

Beer tastes bad, people literally only drink to get drunk and this is also overrated

I like the taste :frowning:


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All sodas are overrated

Rasberry lemonade is gr8 m8

what is a rasberry

A berry that is named ras?

drops in
I’m back from quality family time, it’s that time of the year, bois


Mike McCarthy got fired omegalul


I know right

I fucking died

he deserves it tbh, he coasted on Aaron’s talent and this L put the GM/Owner over the edge

He was on the Packers for 13 years

My god.

shit he was lmao. I don’t keep up that much with the packers i just watch this week in sportsball to get my updates on them

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Well, I don’t watch much football, but when I hear stuff about the Packers, I’m actually a little invested

@PoisonedSquid btw me to xd

you mean the Aaron Rodgers Shows?

Wait what when did you drink beer