54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

: ^ )

Also yes no more getting you and Jasmine confused



Feels bad FK

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Tbh, the QoL buffs given to Pokemon trainer makes the fighter more appealing

I’m 18 and I can drink beer


Rip America

I’m 14 and I drank some beer accidentally.

I’m 15 and I can’t drunk beer
…unless I’m filthy enough

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I’m an adult who can drink but chooses not to for literally no reason at all :thinking:

Beer is too bitter for me tbh

Grammer :eyes:

How does one do this “accidentally”


cause you’re in a tavern only to hang out with your buds then you sip his beer


That’s not accidental

you’re accidental

You activated my trap card! NO U!

Lets say that I went out with my father to his party…and I picked up a glass cup, thinking it is my cup containing soft drink, and then I drank it without thinking.

But I quickly put it down tho.


no u too pure

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