54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Best part at 36 seconds

You have triggered the loli lover.
Prepare for (non-existent) loli stashes.

-I buy Chibis merchandise. Not lolis.

Those are different things?

is 1 dollar


Is that Planterror’s friend Couchterror?

his name is plant error :thinking:
not plant terror
there’d be two t’s if it was terror

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It seems my computer won’t run any videos for some reason

Always been plan terror to me

his picture is of a plant :eyes:

Aaaaannnnnddd it won’t play music either, shit

Just Google the Error code

There is no singular error code, it’s all different

So it works on Chrome, but there’s no sound playing

Always read it like this. :eyes:

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“… not making sound” - google

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But that’s incorrect :eyes:

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Put an extra T in your name! No slang allowed

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