54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I have figured out the code :^)

like and subscribe to this post if ur epic

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@discobot fortune

Should I pursue a relationship with someone :thinking:

:crystal_ball: Ask again later

reveals this

only do it if you know you can commit insanity

Yeah, I know.

@discobot fortune
Am I the best mod? :wink:

:crystal_ball: Yes definitely

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well yeah. nobody knows how

Friendship ended with ashe.

Marl is my new best friend

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@discobot fortune

Why is there so many furries in this forum :eyes:

:crystal_ball: Smug%20Shrug



I mean all there is currently is you, pkr, wolfy, alfa, firekitten?, someone who was formerly a furry

this is all i can think of.

the first 4 are definite tho

I mean if firekitten is in the category of animal names.

Frostwolf, Mole


Moles aren’t furry animals so imma leave mole out of this.

wolves and dogs definitely though