54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Kill me.

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You now have the plague

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I love the fact that people with different districts work together

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Night 2

techwolves , Ashe , Solic , orangeandblack5 , and MathBlade sleep in shifts.

Blizer lets HTM into his shelter.

Gamerpoke fends Hjasik , Pug , and cbman away from his fire.

psychoneirik thinks about winning.

Luxy receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Marluxion throws a knife into Braixen 's chest.

CheesyNivs stays awake all night.

BlueStorm quietly hums.

Twil1ght , An entire army of Memeskys , Isaac Gonzalez , and Eevee sleep in shifts.

Planterror , NuclearBurrito , Marcus Doodalee , and Firekitten tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.

PokemonKidRyan attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

MaximusPrime , Insanity , PoisonedSquid , Bazingaboy , and Reaper sleep in shifts.

The notorious Eevee’s bot cries himself to sleep.

XBlade convinces NinjaPenguin to snuggle with him.

Shurian receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Nerbins , overthebin , and Astand cheerfully sing songs together.


@eevee You let him lonely, look at what you’ve done

@PokemonKidRyan what have ya said

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Ya jinxed yourself

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My character is… mostly intelligent

BlueStorm travels to higher ground.

CheesyNivs and Firekitten split up to search for resources.

Shurian and psychoneirik work together for the day.

Marcus Doodalee questions his sanity.

cbman travels to higher ground.

overthebin constructs a shack.

Hjasik goes hunting.

Solic begs for Planterror to kill him. He reluctantly obliges, killing Solic .

Marluxion goes hunting.

techwolves , HTM , and PoisonedSquid hunt for other tributes.

Luxy receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Blizer thinks about home.

An entire army of Memeskys searches for a water source.

Bazingaboy , MaximusPrime , PokemonKidRyan , and Insanity hunt for other tributes.

Pug runs away from Eevee .

Nerbins chases MathBlade .

Twil1ght explores the arena.

orangeandblack5 searches for a water source.

Gamerpoke overhears XBlade and NuclearBurrito talking in the distance.

Isaac Gonzalez tries to spear fish with a trident.

Reaper , NinjaPenguin , and The notorious Eevee’s bot hunt for other tributes.

Astand defeats Ashe in a fight, but spares her life.

Some juicy juice



XBlade looks at the night sky.

Luxy tends to Planterror 's wounds.

HTM sets up camp for the night.

PokemonKidRyan and BlueStorm run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

Eevee begs for PoisonedSquid to kill him. She refuses, keeping Eevee alive.

Marcus Doodalee thinks about winning.

Pug lets Firekitten into his shelter.

Shurian sets up camp for the night.

Gamerpoke sets an explosive off, killing Nerbins , overthebin , Insanity and orangeandblack5 .

techwolves and An entire army of Memeskys hold hands.

NuclearBurrito receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Bazingaboy receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

CheesyNivs lets psychoneirik into his shelter.

cbman attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Blizer quietly hums.

NinjaPenguin screams for help.

MaximusPrime attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

MathBlade is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Reaper , The notorious Eevee’s bot , Twil1ght , and Marluxion sleep in shifts.

Isaac Gonzalez forces Ashe to kill Astand or Hjasik . She decides to kill Astand .

Ohhhh baby, what have I done!


It was all a plot

so close.