54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Fuck Surtr,

That boy is overused.

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179 bst when the original armor units from the beginning of the game had around 168 bst

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I think we powercreeped too hard

Also has a super threaten that effectively reduces all stats of enemies by 8.

Also deals 20 damage to your tank, alongside in many cases running bold fighter.

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Well, blue flame.

Surtr is the literal definition of power creep

I mean I have another copy of Owain, so :stuck_out_tongue:

They powercreep Surtr with Easter!Surtr :^)


Em :thinking:

Lionel observou o pássaro que acabou de pousar em sua mão, prestando atenção em suas asas para detectar algum sinal de que aquela criatura fosse modificada, faérica ou de algum modo não-natural.

Player Phase Unit who has inconsistent Special, alright…
sips tea :tea:


I am not really great at this game @@

Why does it remove my quote

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a woman in her 30’s slept with a boy who was halfway through puberty?

I did not need to wake up to that

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(and it was a very selfish nature)




You shall!