54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

dammit I want to play turbo Mafia with someone.

I did it.
I completed it.
I’m happy now.

How did you get 100%?

Get the bad endings.

I can’t believe Mario is fucking dead.

I can’t believe Luigi is dead

This is so sad
Alexa play despacito

Some dude on Reddit asked the same thing

You can fight each boss separately for the extra completion percent @Nerbins

New Legendary banner gets out

Gets Hero king Marth and S!Camilla, but not L!Azura


Counterfeit money has less economic value, so you can buy more of it, in nominal terms, with real money.

But why would you sell counterfeit money

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Because it’s illegal and you can get caught…? It’s not as liquid for that reason as real money is. Large transactions typically are checked for counterfeit money. Less risk + less “expected value”. It’s just a tradeoff.

Most money is digital now anyways and getting counterfeit money through a bank is a challenge of its own.

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I sacrificed a Owain for my Felicia, am I too obsessed with her?

I lost


I think so, considering Owain is one of the best non armored sword users in the game.

Hes Ayra, but Owain.

…what did you inherit?

I mean, i do have YT Oliva (One of my best units)

But, its L!Azura

I kinda am obliged to summon her.

More refreshers is never a bad thing.

aether raids intensifies

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Dealing with Rein/BLyn/Surtr/Dancer every single time makes my life painful

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I mean, its great for a flier squad.

I have Eir, S!Camilla, Cherche, and YT Olivia.

If i get L!Azura, she can take S!Camilla if i want more refreshers.