54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

My classes are better

I’ll repost Glitter Faerie btw

I love crossing classes because they become weird wild chimeras

already ruined the thread
sorry boys.

Why did you do it

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Separating abilities I think that are fun
Basically reformulating my GI classes or classes that were reposted into GI by me

I really like those in separate:
Sleepover (Passive) - Each player will have a private night chat with the player below them in the player list.
Wisdom (Passive) - Always knows how many players visited you last night
Dwarven Armor Training (Passive) - When you die, reveal the death cause.
Pack Tactics (Passive) - Every player you win with that visits the same target at yours at night will be empowered.
Dragonkin (Day) - If a player has posted less than 50 posts during the day, mark them. You will know their win condition after two cycles. - Infinite uses
Darkvision (Night) - Select a target. You will be notified of which factions visited your target last night - 1d4 uses

There will no longer be Management of any kind on these forums. There will be no queue / review for any setups.


F mega

Marl can we not plz

Not your decision to make pal.

You can step down (I’d really rather you don’t), but this is larger than just you. Sorry.


Except that nobody on the FoL team is contesting this decision :thinking:
Anyone else is free to manage it from here of course

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boom hostile takeover complete

I’m in charge now bois


whats the plan now that ur in charge?

if your not gonna answer I coup you then. Now I have the power


You are wrong. The one managing the games was exclusively me. So yes it is my decision to make


I think Marl just meant to say that all of the work he had been doing, he will no longer do.

Anyone is free to take up after him of course.


From the sounds of it you are no longer doing it.

That does not mean it will not be done.

Sorry to be on the opposite side of the fence here, but for now I’d appreciate if you’d cool off. For the time being, we could still use the queue - for any games that do actually run.

Also, smart idea to hide this within the cookie thread. We could probably talk some serious shit here and nobody would ever find it :laughing:


pings devs

I just want the cookie thats why im here