54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

We have to keep calm at times like these, this is for general random crap, I believe

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See there you go squid

Seriuous Question

Should i get Dark souls 3, or Witcher 3

Neither of them

Never played Dark Souls so Witcher 3

Well the question is(warning, using vulgar language, since I can’t seem to illistrate both at the same time without using language)

Do you want to get fucked by every single thing out there? If so then Dark Souls 3


Do you like to fuck every single thing out there? If so then Witcher 3

I don’t think he is planning to download any nsfw mods there

You don’t need to download NSFW mods

I think that stuff is already present in the game

witcher 3 it is

i get all the DLC aswell for 20 bucks

thats worth


Doesn’t look like komaeda


cursed and spoiler for danganronpa v3

That’s nsfw

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you know what. you have a bad time, its your choice

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I want to have a good time


no spook warning fuck you hja

So you are going to give me good time

I have evolved as you can see from the shiny shield icon. I’d feel weird making a new topic about it, so just know you can ping me for any mod action for your forum games and I will do my best to help with forum trickery.


gg solic

but is fol still going to be a thing?

I trust in it. We have had a tumultuous week, but people are still playing, games are still being hosted.

And I know at least Marl will eventually cave in his addiction and come back