54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

What’s happening here

totally didn’t accidentally almost post in a game

Me @ Max’s video:

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It doesnt bother me cause I’m on phone

Mission accomplished

You saved the world

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How dare you ;-;

Reupload it

Because the jedi are evil

Reupload or riot!

If Max can upload the video without it autoplaying, then I’ll allow that post to stay here, but for now, it ded Jim

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How do you make an auto playing video

You really shouldn’t mate

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I don’t know how and I don’t want to know how

But I really want to know

I’m gonna post a test video to see if this is a singular issue

Test Video


It’s a different video format that autoplays

Ahhhh, did you at least click the link in the spoiler?

I hate you now squid

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