54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i feel like the migration will happen someday tbh.
at least ill be migrating with games i host

but anyway.

itll be your job to make this work.

As is your right. We’ll see what happens!

alright lads, lemme just get on in here
supreme overlord coming through

Gg Maximus.

Max, do I need to get the mallet? :eyes:

I’m gonna mess you up again.

:cowboy_hat_face: Howdy

Do not comment on Maxi’s meme post. If someone does comment on it, do not click on the arrow that leads to the post as it will automatically start the video. If you do this while the video auto starts when you enter the thread, you’re gonna have a bad time :^)

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So did you want me to comment on it :wink:

Honestly just hammer it out of existence

Poll time! What shall I do to the post?:

  • Delete Max’s autoplaying meme post
  • Keep it up as it is, but don’t comment on it

0 voters

/decide fate execute

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/decide fate pardon

Screw everything you stand for


Your first deleted post. :angel:



Destroy it now!

Mod ab00se.