54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


I’m really not going to quit this when I’m completely bored

Got nothing better to do.

Oh fun memesky 2.0 that I can drive away :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course.

Send me packing. Deliver me from here with your…words?

Can you achieve that? I laugh at the prospect.

I’d rather see Hjasik Zalgonuke this thread than this

(No, Hjasik, don’t.)

Tau is better


I’m trying to think, but it isn’t working

Too late

@Kirefitten an abomination, obviously

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Why didn’t you answer the question in the thread FK asked you in? :thinking:

i don’t want to join the creepy manor

my heart are fragile, you know?

That’s ironic seeing as your pfp can cause nightmares





What FoL style games have you been in?

Also the reverse of a hydra is playing with more than one account.


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EFoL, CFoL, Grand Ideas, Infection, Necromancer, RPG, Carnival

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Me likey