54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

there is some crazy psychopath stalk me in a forum right now and they won’t stop sending me “I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND” message someone sends help, I am just an innocent (abomination) trying to live a quiet life



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actually happen by the way

Have you blocked them?

That’s an issue you could bring up with mods

Good idea

Eksee Deeksy Spider

now they send no u message
(it really happen, but it all is a joke too because i know that he is friendly in forum, posting this to prevent misunderstanding)

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I see.

Dab on them.

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Spider dab


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I think Boss being held hostage. It’s a clue


Split up gang and look for clues!

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cursed image
/vote boss

But we need to save him first!

It’s too late to save him, he’s become one of them now

Oh no!

Why did you out me

Urge to crossreference that with Short Fuse games arises.