54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

life is meaning less

Who are you and what do you want with this forum get away from boss or riot


Doesnt work on mobile users

It looks like it’s an auto-playing video :eyes:

You know what this calls for?

  • Delete Auto-Playing Video
  • Keep it uwu

0 voters

You’re welcome guys, I saved the world… again

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Cursed avatar

I’m the trash man

I see

Yes. This is definitely the case.

Also Maxi is gay

honestly the protocol for these should just be to put it in a details or spoiler.
hang on, does spoiler work on video?

eh. kinda


I have become the unlimited power

Isn’t he bi


Mayonaise > Ketchup

Prove me wrong.

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Splatoon 2 says no