or (25pi-50)/2
I used to like this question but now I feel annoyed with it because of how obvious it is
Literal GOAT
If we surrounded earth with water would it be an island
Almost all my male drawing end up with an andro or feminine face
Guess that the guys are accidentally mad cute.
The Witcher’s first demon fight was easy, but so epic that it will be always marked in my heart
Also Yes
can someone explain how this is good in English
We can reverse time
Basically, they mean that they’ve found a way to make it so that MORE energy and information is created in the universe rather than destroyed or reinterpreted
did I misunderstand
it looked like they just understood how to rewind an video on a computer
No, they understood how to rewind an image without the programme having knowledge of the original image
how tf does that work
and what can be done since they know this
they have literally managed to violate the law of entropy. If this is peer-reviewed and verified then that’s a huge scientific breakthrough
also, more accurately they’ve created a complex random process that reverses itself perfectly most of the time, which proves that it is theoretically possible for a random process to produce the same situation that it started in over large periods of time, theoretically giving credence to the “repeating big bang” theory
it’s hard to extrapolate the possibilities this creates but if this is true then the consequences for science and technology are huge