54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

also I don’t think I have had a problem with adhd that much until I tried Forum mafia tbh

My thought process was “why am I taking medicine I can easily just calm myself down and not try to be hyperactive” <—— me being ignorant of what adhd really is

Don’t think anyone’s hosting it right now, I think you could actually make a sign up thread and get mod bot to allow you to play in the game as well

I’m a bit busy tonight so eh

Maybe tommorrow

I have a really dumb question since I can’t do it

can people just close their eyes and go to sleep just like that

Em, no.

it sounds really dumb but then how


the mystery of life

Since it’s all based on the production of serotonin and that varies I’d say solid maybe. Also depends on interaction with screens and other factors.

Okay English is my language thanks for understanding



Yeah, it happens when your really tired

One day on a trip with friends, I legit just crashed in my bed and boom, insta asleep

Woke up in my clothes from yesterday

Also realized a little while later you meant something else; I blame being tired

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I’m thinking about doing a cop 9ner with a twist

or actually…how about an Oracle turbo game

How about no



Backup Oracle
8 VT
1 rolecop
2 mafia goons

What does oracle do