54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

What’s your theory

It didn’t start.
It just ended and we have no idea that it actually ended

I’m trying to pull a good pun rn but my brain isn’t willing

What about the thing that created life ceased to exist after that so life cannot be created anymore and we are doomed to become dust forever

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Is this from metal gear rising?

The scientific consensus is that somehow DNA formed by a series of reactions in space and something caused the DNA to be stimulated in a way that created a membrane around it from the DNA’s membrane, creating the first bacteria, at which point natural selection began and started to kill off the single-celled organisms that had weaker membranes, too little mobility, etc. etc.

This is science-speak for “we don’t actually know but we’re not going to admit it in case the creationists start screeching at us again”.

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Though, it does seem that the next cookie is in sight.

Only 100 posts! Everyone do @Discobot!

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Yea, I know. @Discobot quote what are my last words?

:left_speech_bubble: Before you can inspire with emotion, you must be swamped with it yourself. Before you can move their tears, your own must flow. To convince them, you must yourself believe. — Winston Churchill

Such nice words.

If my last words are not a silly joke I will refuse to die until I properly do that

wait what

why wasn’t the Emperor super rich

when you are richer then the ruler of the place

Because he was expulsed of Portugal by Napoleón, was forced to go to their colony and when they arrived here they got not even a house so he literally stole houses that looked nice on the street, expulsing the nobles

He was so broken that in order to build riches he started to sell noble titles
You gave him 50 pigs? You are now the Baron of Pigs.

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