54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


No, that’s not cool. :eyes:


Oops the forum police arrived.
Guess we have to call the noob a her.

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That’s not me

Ik that’s why I said (jk)


but but I…


Imagine if dislikes existed.

There surely is no way that could go wrong on our wholesome fora. :^)

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:broken_heart: would be a perfect symbol, the opposite of a heart

I would’ve disliked this earlier then:

(even though I liked it)

You would like and dislike it both.

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and gold like it while you are at it.

and then gold dislike.


Nah, there’s only one person I’d actually use my golden like on tbh.

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And it’s the person who liked the post I replied to first.

(I said first incase one of you people decide to like it)

:smiley: Too obvious

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I’m not that obvious am I?!?!

Is that why everyone townreads me?!

Town for existing. Forever.

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