54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hazel, dirty blonde, and none

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let me make this letter


I didn’t write that post

I wrote that post then when the internet was bad and erased it and it didn’t appear until AFTER it?

like I wrote that post

then internet went bad and it didn’t appear

then I wrote


because I realized yeah I probably would

wazza is better than priestess

I thought that post wouldn’t have shown lmao

@Priestess go away noob

Be nice

I feel ripped off

Everything you write will be seen

We’re always watching

Big Brother anyone? :wink:

Here ^^

what is that

You watch the US show?


Saw it once or twice, not more. I have no television (and no time since I have already ToL)

I’ve had no TV for like 7 years. A laptop is all you need really.