54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Thank you Solic.


I don’t see the likelihood of that happening to be high. :man_shrugging:

You’re welcome? :upside_down_face:

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Want some?

Don’t do it solic. Wazza kills anyone who enters his house. He’s a paranoid gun owner

No I don’t?

I’m just a Cult King!

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That’s illegal in England.

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Thank you.

Wazzas house is a country inside England and it’s legal there

Technically the only way it’s legal here is if they would cause an significant harm to you or something like that

fortress defense law or something

Also Wazza does it even if it’s illegal

The Wazzastan where all Wazza alts dwell?

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Woah hey

I only speak the truth

It’s why I write a lot of stuff

I’m the only true Wazza alt of the only true Wazza.

Because waz does illegal stuff?

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I saw him kill a tiger

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It’s illegal here because unless you have a shitton of documents you can’t carry a gun