54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Was it you?

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it’s sad that people care more about animals dying then humans

Sad but true

You are me?!

Aren’t humans animals tho

Can you… maybe uhh… change this post? For personal reasons.

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That’s not true for people close to them.

I saw him kill a tiger?

Job didnt pay me my first two weeks since they didnt give me paper work to get payed until 2 weeks in. And I’ve been fighting to get payed for those two weeks for four weeks, and now the payment is finally coming in with my week 5&6 check

No like, seriously. Did you see my post in Venting?


The one from like a month ago.

not at all

Yeah please change it.

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I just realized anyone who reads the thread after this will think I never changed it lmao

Might be best to hold this conversation privately?


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It’s all good now Solic.


Nothing to see here ;D

Do you think anyone actually reread this whole thread at some point?

Surprisingly yes.