54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Nah I’m fine, not scared of death

whats wrong with 169

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They even wouldn’t know which of the constructed languages they should use

yes you are

Yeah solic what’s wrong with it

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I was, not anymore not for a long time

I can also barely read esperanto
it is its magic I think

Stop posting now

I command you

I think solic discriminates against the number 169


But one day I will grow up to be an edgy teenager. I know it in my heart and soul. It’s starting

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wait you aren’t a dead man, lies!

You are a :bird:

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sorry auto correct

get the countries in a meeting to discuss which one to choose

Can you even imagine. Do you see the US completely learning a new language in EVERYTHING?

That include things as mundane as a stop sign.

The trillions and trillions of dollars that would cost alone.

If we forced them to…if we don’t we Americans will do what we do best

be lazy

no they cant even embrace the metric system like everyone else.