54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Even good players aren’t immune to auto-clears, because Marluxion always confirmed himself as village by D2 when he flipped as village due to the SPK.


I miss marl

This summer after championships I’m going to try to just play games on any site that’s not this site tbh

I’ll still play here, but I’m going to play more regularly on MU because I prefer games where you can presume that even the bad players know what they’re talking about.

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my god this is Deja vu all over again

I had to dig out of a grave here to be considered a good player

image how much digging I have to do on mu with already good players

I adored you when I was a newb if it helps

funny, because Litten admired me when I outed him near-insantly in CitJR


I did too. That was my first game. ^^

this is an anti solic zone

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nevermind you can pass

That’s not nice.

closing fol thread wasn’t nice :frowning:

It was also necessary.

I disagree

Look, to be frank @Kirefitten I’ve had to do just as much to get to the level of averageness I’m at right now. I’m not going to show my early games because they’re frankly beyond embarrasing. I once actually said the words “my favourite class is Jester” and the words “I’m Citizen so i’m useless”. And even now, I’m not good enough for my standards.

But I know I’ll be good some day. This is paritally because of what Dels said recently and what ladd said back in the ToS VCFM that motivated me to actually be alright at villaging.

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I know you do, hence why I enforced it.

It would have looped back

Somehow it didn’t loop back here though.

This is the cookie thread