54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I want to find this quote.

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you have no idea how good it was for my ego to have a former champion say that I was one of his favourite players based on style. I should’ve noticed that there’s a missing step in him declaring i’m his new favourite player if he was a villager mind you, because he wouldn’t neccecarily think that I’m great if I wasn’t right on my reads

He actually heavily implied that he knew for certain that my reads were generally accurate and I should’ve noticed that. On the plus side, I know when I’m doing it right now.

I think wolfing CAN be fun, but it feels like everyone is so focused on meta-reads that wolves don’t really have a chance. You basically have to form a meta to succeed here.

That, or have people know you. Its not a new player friendly environment.

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if the wolves did their vilage meta, they would be villager’d
then there would stop to be a self-cleaning meta
now repeat this step with everyone.

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ok here’s my two cents on fool
If it is a member of the village then it’s a mislynch. Neutrals regardless wincon are a correct lynch as it doesn’t take away a townie, scum are obviously a correct lynch.
Therefore the fool doing anything post-lynch to affect the game is punishing a correct lynch.

basically, just delet fool

That’s the point: I can have a ‘Activity’ meta and be deemed villager automatically. If someone has a meta based on that, they can’t be converted and they can’t be mislynched. Everyone can just hide in their meta.

You need to determine if its ACTUALLY the correct lynch.

why are you assuming everyone rolls villager 100% of the time

Its like 66% or so chance of villager. What does that even mean though?

I can have a ‘Activity’ meta and be deemed villager automatically. If someone has a meta based on that, they can’t be converted and they can’t be mislynched. Everyone can just hide in their meta.
but everyone chases their win condition the best of their capabilities
if the wolves had a self clearing meta, it would be their best benefit to replicate it as a wolf, and if it was done they would be villager’d
then there would stop to be a self-cleaning meta, since they do both actions both as villager and town
now repeat this step with everyone.

they’re literally the same argument. You aren’t contradicting me in the slightest.

Yes, self clearing meta. Now what does rolling Fool do?

It disables the idea of a self-clearing meta. If I have a town meta as town, I’m gonna use it. If I have a town meta as wolf, I’m gonna use it. If I have a town meta as Fool, I’m NOT gonna use it.

Fool breaks the wheel.

if somebody imitates their self-clearing meta as a wolf then the self-clearing meta breaks neccecarily because it’s not a clear anymore lmao


A skill that I think is SEVERELY underrated is the ability to decipher a players self-awareness. A Fool will be self-aware; a wolf CAN be, but can also genuinely slip.

it’s not underrated when half of my reads are made on that basis

I know for a fact that @Geyde reads people on self-awareness, and @Alice does occasionally as well. It’s actually one of the most popular methods of readings there is.

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I pounce on people that’s an effective reading method

Ye, I got called out by quite some people for self-awareness, that’s a common read method.