54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

why are you randomly visiting his profile

The fish is this and what do I do

People must agree
That the safest place to have fun in this forum is the roleplaying threads

And the fact that no one with actual good English besides Noz, Dama, Lightsin actually uses it anymore
Its killing me


cause i have it set to private :wink:

it’s illegal to be in a fm game and have it as private as it prevents people from ISO’ing you

wait shit it does?


i swear we’ve complained about this to you before

oh ok

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we found this out in an old game with H_Hjaisk

i think it was someone else lol. but i get where the mistake comes from :kissing_heart:

yeet should be fixed


Sorry that I didn’t respond until now.
I still can’t join any games at the moment though.
If you meant to say it as the game as a whole: I think it’s nice, but I can’t quite catch up with the new terminology; I have not failed and lost enough to learn from those mistakes.

Thanks for your reply, but uhh don’t do it in an ongoing game please :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s unfortunate, but I look forward to having you back in possibly another game. :slight_smile: I hope you’re going to join Ninjapenguin’s one in the future at least.

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is Solic talking to himself

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No, they posted it in FoL 21 and I deleted it there.

Solic has gone insane offically


Are you inside my head?

I see fluffy kittens everywhere.
