54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

/throw knife into dragon. Ded.

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This is my post signaling that I’ve given up on the forums.

No semantic bullshit.
I can’t take it.


Well no matter what we love you Geyde, you are a great person


Geyde, you are a great person, but go take a break you deserved.

You really deserved it after all the stress and stuff.

I’m dead on the inside

Hi dead on the inside
Welcome to the party

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Hi dead, I am inside.

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Hi inside, I’m Priestess of Law.

the day this tread dies is the day we shut the forum down

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Hi priestess of law, I’m some guy who makes weird ships

Hi guy who shipped me with a 13-year old…

Soulshade post triple threat can be like

image https://i.imgur.com/oOZKvWA.jpg


@Icibalus rate my wolf play in triple threat/10

with and without killing firekitten :^)

Admit it, you just wanted to kill the judge :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I am da only judge round here

I CC this.

/judicial decree Virginia


You can’t get me mislynched reeeee

Have I been a negative factor in any games or on this site in general recently?
With the recent Alice development, I feel pretty bad.

@Ami why can’t I read your profile :^)