54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I just got to the first one and by the way you say maps Im dissapointed, cause litterally having the worst luck on that map so far

Where have you gotten to in Alm’s route? Be sure to pick up Tatiana from Nuibaba’s fortress if you haven’t already; you’ll need her.

I just did the first mission where you fought Berkut. Im real early Act 4

Let’s just say that there are 3 things that you need to find in Alm’s Act 4, and none of them are going to be easy to find.

Well Im guessing its going to be this bow that is on his Legendary in heroes and that Blizer mentioned and

. Guess Ill do some searching for the third. I do know that a certain masked man from another game is somehwhere in the story


Alright I figured out the balance issue of my setup idea and it’s fixed.


I cant even shade on that art, i couldnt draw better


spot the difference

he tucked in his little chest poofy thing

okay basically
Camus is the reason you need to go rescue Tatiana despite Nuibaba having busted magic spells. You’ll see.

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anything special I shoud look out for on Celicas route, or just swamps


Which House and Person you romancing first play through

Im romancing Gaiden Jedah

@Discobot roll 1d100

How many events should I have in my planned game?

:game_die: 78

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Rip my mind trying to come up with 78 different events…

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Just make them all the same event with different names


Wanna pair with me for Marl`s Minority rule on Mafia Colosseum