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Alm Best Boi Confirmed

(Bow Lord Best)

Yes he did all of those, read his Valbar supports. Like dont get me wrong Leons not my favorite but he is a good character and prob the best in echoes from my playthrough

ooh I cant wait for him to get a bow

DatBird, this is a reference to his B-support with Kamui.

Although, real talk: Saber is actually the best unit in the game in terms of sheer consistent strength: useful in every situation, has great growths, great base stats, and is in one of the best classes in the game from the start.

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oh yeah… I forgot about that one. My Kamui almost never near my Leon so their supports have been hard for me to get.

Hes really good I just promoted him to the dread fighter (i think…) and hes really good. Idk echoes is really good so far I wish I picked it up on launch instead of Arms

Three Houses should consume half of my free time, the other half being consumed by a kaizo level i’m making in SMM2

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ooh share that when its done, ill try it

the reason why Dread Fighter is busted is because you can promote it backwards to Villager, which means late-game Saber can be literally anything you want him to be

wait whattt. Can any other class do this?

No others. It’s a curious element of design left over from Gaiden but I love it.

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The one part of echoes I havent liked so far is that I didnt know that the mage and the assassin brother and sister that were in the dessert, you could only do one of their battles. Like I picked the assassin since his map seemed easier for my party at the time, but Im kinda dissapointed I cant get her now.

Why a Kaizo in particular?

Deen and Sonya aren’t brother and sister. Although it’s good that you got Deen; Celica has enough mages as it is, and you can literally never go wrong with mercenaries unless your name is Jesse.

Well, it’s more like “kaizo but if that kind of level wasn’t bullshit”.

Jesse and that one gray haired one just have no crit chance or defense or strength. AT least mine dont, My luck hasnt been great.

I’ve been experimenting with the effects of Night Airship on POW blocks, and have discovered several cool platforming things you can do with it already.

Jesse and Atlas are filler units for if you lost Kamui or Saber early.

oh yeah have you gotten to the swamp maps on Celica’s side yet?
i presume you haven’t since you haven’t listed that as one of the things you don’t like about Echoes

Nah Im one of those people who will reset the game (after milas) thirty times before I go on without a unit.

Fair enough.
I find that there are a few too many unfun kaizo-esqe levels for my taste.

As long as it’s interesting, share it when it’s done : - )