54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I want to find a co host for this really bad


but I know nothing about Latin I take Spanish lol

I think I could probably find out how many people would be willing to play and a co host if I can put up an off topic thread hold on


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Planning 6 months in advance is ambitious. I would just trust it’d fill or run it on another site in case of doom.

inb4 some forum drama happens in that game and fk still has to present it

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I mean like

I’m going to be picky about what I quote in a game because I don’t have the whole class period to present it lmao

There’s a new rule

If you are in the bathroom at school and someone else is in there vaping you get punished. That’s stupid.

Speaking of which. In the spirit of not spamming priestess game thread

@anon97870008 what do you think of the above rule

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Find another toilet, or tell a teacher that someone’s vaping rn.

Do you think people will stop vaping because they fear other people will be punished by them vaping?

And do you think people will be pissed if they were going to the bathroom and got caught by this rule



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Do you think people will stop committing crimes because their family could receive death threats from other people?


I’m talking about every person in the world

Is it just death threats or will they be followed through? Does he criminal know this? What has the criminal done? Why has he done it?

whats the punishment

Just death threats. Criminal probably smart enough to realize that people will hate them and their family