54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

lmao just dm me it on discord

I have to wait for 8 whole hours until I can like stuff again… rip.

Me 2 m8

I read something about this type of post being banned?
no more cookie?

Yeah Wazza stole the cookie


I see, sounds like a time for an uprising

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really sorry about the end of EFoL 3. underestimated how much of a time commitment being a host would be. Probably will not attempt that again for a while. Hope you can forgive me.

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It’s a learning experience. It’s fine if you’re unavailable periodically when life happens, but you have to communicate that and even then there are limits when you commit to something in my opinion.

of course there are.
my sleep schedule got royally screwed up because packing to switch dorms has taken so much of my time.

i should have communicated earlier i wasn’t going to have the time necessary. It was evident earlier.

you’re right it was a good learning experience though. if i ever did try this again later, i’d be more competent from the start. may not though. it was a huge commitment, both in time and in pings (i get emailed every time i get pinged on this site haha).


Have you ever wondered, man I wish I could get rich off something with the odds of the lottery. Not to worry. On a different website, you can bet if there will be aliens or not at Area 51. Paying 40 dollars and betting no aliens will give you one dollar (and take away your 39 dollars) if you are right, while betting yes can earn you 4,000 dollars

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Why not just take lottery

Because odds are lower you will win this one

Speaking of which


Satire is one of the best comedies



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I have a problem

I’m always awkward interacting with people. Mosly interacting with girls

The issue is I don’t like girls and I don’t want them to think I like them

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I was traumatized a couple years ago about this when a girl thought I liked them