54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



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thats illegal

If ur always trying to act like town why does looking at ur classcard change anything, ur trying to act liek town, but nw u can use ur day abilities, and not go against wincon

The main argument is you can’t game throw if you don’t know your class.

But by not reading your class card, you are knowingly knowing that you could be going against your win condition since you don’t know what it, which means you are intentionally game throwing since you could have avoided it by reading the card.


You are the D3 suicidal mafia member. Ends up bussing all your scum mates

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Say you’re mafia

Classcard gives you your scummates and stuff

I’m not saying acting like town is always something you should do but

If you’re planning on not looking at your class card that’s the best strat

What if you just never post or open the game?

If you just want to do whatever, go post here or something. If you sign up to play, you should play.

what do you mean, I thought the point of being mafia was to act as scummy as possible while not getting lynched

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If “looking townie” is your whole mafia strat, there is something wrong anyways


Was about to say the same thing lol

That’s not what I’m saying reeee

50% of the time it works 100% so it’s a good strat

Yeah ur whole strat should be just get caught N1 and then they dont lynch u because ur confirmed mafia


The whole point of mafia is to post better memes than town


As mafia you are a part of an “informed” minority… not an uninformed :upside_down_face:

there’s a point to mafia?

I honestly thought the whole point of mafia was to lynch your mafia mates then lynch yourself and still win

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Reverse white flag

the point of mafia is to have as much fun as possible while flexing your dankest memes