54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Fun is not allowed

Pretty sure it’s been tried before and it failed

I quit >:(

The point of mafia is having fun together with others, and trying to have a nice game

while playing towards ur wincon

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point of mafia is to make best fortnite dance


Well it didn’t fail mafia just lost. It was in a mash where you could win by killing all the town or being the last mafia standing

no fun allowed

not looking at ur class card, is not playing towards win con

But fun is not forbidden aka it’s allowed! REEEEE

Concept boring tbh


You are the Mafia Goon!
You win when all Mafia are defeated.

I’m going to test this theory

if ur not having an asthma attack at work because someone caught a mafia soft you sub-consciously added to ur wall post, ur not having fun in mafia

You will not test “not looking on your classcard” on this site or it’s going to be considered as gamethrowing.

The whole point of mafia is being bad at first and being called bad, striving to be better, then you reach a point of understanding the game and getting considered “good” that you realize that everyone in mafia actually just sucks at the game, however due to some people sucking TINY bit less then others they are considered good


Me too thanks

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It’s garlic bread!
image https://media3.giphy.com/media/jUvxCsjoqxeQeC5h8q/giphy.gif?cid=19f5b51acf35da58d6e9411f12d10a18b684e5d35a249cc8&rid=giphy.gif