54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It’s back to being 1600-scale, with the essay scored separately.

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yeah it is, back in 2015 it was 2400

I’m in a weird spot in my math class where for some reason I got bored in my class and at home decided to see what pre calualcas is like so now I know how to factor with imaginary numbers and we are doing factoring in class and they are like “you can’t factor blah and blah” and In my head I think yes you can, you can change this addition sign using i, so you can do a perfect square and it bothers me

ok the averages make me feel good

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not perfect square but I forgot the name

God I loved math, but it got to the point where I was lke i aint ever gonna use that, but luckily I did so much in HS (some that even counted towards college) that I didnt have to take a single math class in college

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Honestly, just do it, and if you end up getting lynched over it, :man_shrugging:
Then either that time or soon enough, you’ll be established as someone who has changing playstyles, and people will stop reading you over it

Is the essay on the psat at all?


“Clubs should work toward the ultimate goal of the school”

what does this MEAN

Yeah that’s the thing about math lol. You’re told that you can’t do something, only to later be told that you can, you just have to introduce something new or clarify/generalize a property. Just think about it:

  • “you can’t subtract a bigger number from a smaller number” negatives
  • “you can’t solve an equation with 2 variables in it” systems of equations, and very specific equations which can be solved on their own
  • “you can’t factor these quadratics/polynomials” sqrt(-1), or i
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I’m looking at how to create a club at my school and I don’t know how to convince the school that forum mafia benefits the school

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And I need to find a teacher who can sponsor the club

how do I convince a teacher this


Even works for stuff that isn’t properties, but notation/methods

You can’t divide by a polynomial. Well there’s polynomial long division and synthetic division
Then, you can’t use synthetic division to divide by something with a degree greater than one. Well you can you just have to generalize/extend it

  • presenting convincing arguments
  • problem solving/critical thinking

That’s actually a fair point

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Problem solving/critical thinking applies to almost any mental activity that isn’t straight learning

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One good thing about this is I can easily create posters/flyers for this because I’m in graphic design class