54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

eek eek

I really want to play mafia but I know it’ll just distract me from school work and I wont be able to be active sad

Why not? Board games teach a lot of critical thinking which is like good everywhere.

Depends what board games really

I mean true, but just select those that do then.

Like it shouldn’t be hard to set up something like a chess club or something which would stereotypically be seen as educational. Board games are just a derivative of that.

Literature teachers aren’t focused on that kind of stuff imo

Implying they will think that way

Why does their subject even matter that much? That’d mean that certain subjects get a ton more clubs, because they apply a lot more. Literature would apply to like drama/debate/book/boardgames clubs etc.

I’d assume they just need faculty support in some way and that’s it.

I checked the school website to see if my teacher was hosting any other clubs and they aren’t Ayy

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Litten for club president. ^^

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the one thing I’m most scared about is the thought of hanging and lynching people being considered inappropriate

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alright now time to try to email the teacher in the most convincing way possible

Just “sent them into exile”

And the mafia are just very insistent on players moving out.

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American Literature

Salem Witch Trials! Perfect excuse to use lynching as a word

Uhh might be controversial with very wrong attitudes towards women.

“ More than 200 people were accused , 19 of whom were found guilty and executed by hanging (14 women and 5 men ). One other man , Giles Corey, was crushed to death for refusing to plead, and at least five people died in jail.”

Men can be witches too

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Cotton Mather was another witch
thanks ToS

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